Mibbit is shutting down
Hello users,
On the
30th of August, Mibbit will be shutting down.
We have made this decision because the site is no longer commercially viable, and the creator and the maintainer of Mibbit are both unable to keep the site up to date and relevent. After this date, all user data will be removed from our servers.
Our recommended replacement service is
Kiwi IRC. Check them out! They have a very similar service that is actively kept up to date.
Thank you very much for using Mibbit and thank you to everyone who has helped along the way :) It has been a pleasure to build and provide the service.
- Jimmy & Tom
Please download any account data before the shutdown date as it will no longer be available after this. If you are the op of a channel on our IRC server, you can migrate it over to Kiwi IRC's servers.
Widget subscribers
Please remove the Mibbit iframe from your website. Widget subscriptions will be refunded pro-rata and cancelled on the shutdown date. Please contact our support email if you have any concerns. support (at) mibbit.com
IRC server admins
Please remove Mibbit's WebIRC IPs from your IRC configuration.
Mibbit IRC WebChat
Chatting is easy, just choose your nickname, pick a channel and press go!
You don't need to sign up for an account and you can use it from wherever you are with just a web browser.
With Mibbit you can browse through and connect to channels or go straight to chat with people
you already know. You can embed Youtube clips, use a pastebin, share the channel URL with friends and lots more.
Signing up for an account gives you the option to control the way Mibbit works for you with a bunch of
preferences for colours, smileys, and skins.
Mibbit chat runs on all PC and Mac browsers, and if you're not at a PC it also works on PS3,
Wii and iPhone too!
Use Mibbit on your website
Mibbit gives anyone the capability to create fast, flexible group chat on their
site through the use of it's customisable Javascript widget. With Mibbit you can
get a chat widget that is easy to use and has lots of configuration and connectivity
options to IRC networks.
In three easy steps anyone can build their own chat room and use it on their site.
We also provide an API and premium packages to suit feature requirements.
Adding a chat component to your website will keep your visitors on your website longer,
and keep them coming back, building up a real community.